The last company that really influenced me to be involved in game environments is the company Travellers Tales, known more commonly as TT. It is an English company founded in 1989, and they are responsible for creating some of the old Disney games like A Bugs Life and also Finding Nemo, which is games that I used to play but didn't know that they were produced by this company. Later on in there career they then produced the Chronicles of Narnia game which was based off the first film, and then 3 years later made the sequel as the film came out. In between creating all of these films they began work on the Lego video game franchise which used different film series to create Lego versions so that the user could play around the world as a Lego version of their favourite hero. The very first Lego game to be produced was Lego Star Wars: The Video game, this was followed by other Lego Star Wars games but the original is still the best by far. Other ones that they have then produced is based off Indiana Jones, Batman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
A Bugs Life
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
Lego Batman: The Video Game
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
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