Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Bradford Animation Festival 2013: Phil Gray

Phil Gray - TT Games (12th November 2013) 
The last talk of the day was taken by Phil Gray who spoke to us about TT Games, a series of games that were created for the LEGO franchise which are games mainly based for children. This talk for me was a little bit scattered in some ways as due to the new LEGO Marvel Super Heroes film coming out this Friday I presumed we would be getting an inside look into that but we mainly got shown a lot of random clips.

Don't get me wrong it was a good talk and we did get to see some interesting things from the new game, but I felt that the information that we were given was in some ways irrelevant, and I had some really high expectations for it as I love the games. He started off by talking about how the games are either based upon film adaptations or original stories. Phil Gray's job in the company is the director of cut scene's in which this is important during the LEGO games as they are usually full of humour and fantastic animations. They begin an idea process by encouraging everyone to pitch in ideas for the cut scenes and then cutting down bits they don't need. With the adaptations, like Pirates of the Caribbean, you know what is going to happen so the team will use the same visuals but then add in the original humour, but with the original stories they are able to create something unique.

As the company are not used to working with dialog this isn't something that they worry about at the beginning so they usually start by thinking about the animation first and let the audio come naturally afterwards. In the case of Lord of the Rings, the first adaptation with sound, they merely used the dialog from there cut the 12 hour film down to just 90 minutes and still explain all of the story. Basically in Lord of the Rings what they did was break up the scene, for example the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and then keep the important parts in which to create the LEGO equivalent - complete with just the right amount of humour and audio, which has been seamlessly taken from the films.


So, to conclude with the newest LEGO Marvel Super Heroes this film introduces loads of new characters even if they may not be typically able to be made out of LEGO pieces like the other characters. Sand Man for example has been very cleverly designed to be a big cloud but then have floating and spinning LEGO bricks in the middle. Along with these clever designs they also have a lot of good use of cameras, like a scene which includes Venom and a clever purple 1st person view  in a cut scene. Then what is also nice about the LEGO games is that they always include a small detail which is a recurring theme throughout the games, and in this new one it includes a dustbin man gag, which will be very interesting to see.

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