Saturday 4 May 2013

Environment Research: Tomb Raider Series

Tomb Raider is a video game series based around the adventures of English archaeologist Lara Croft. Since the first game in 1996 she has become known worldwide and the Guinness Book of World Records even recognise her as the "Most Successful Human Virtual Game Heroine".

Tomb Raider I
The first game in the Tomb Raider series came out in 1996 and was developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive and like the rest of the game in the series follows English archaeologist Lara Croft as she searches for the three mysterious Scion artifacts located around the world. Although the game graphics are very dated it is still a joy to play due to this being one of the very first 3D platformers, which is the reason why I decided to look at this series. The environments themselves are very basic and do not include any detail at all to be honest; they are minimal but that it is what made this game so unique to begin with as it did try to recreate basic realistic graphics although at times it is very confusing where to go. Playing through the game itself was even more confusing as this is one of the most difficult platformers I have ever played due to the jump button being very awkward and Lara not actually doing what you tell her too; resulting in a lot of shouting at the screen. Although these problems with the rubbish graphics and the difficult platformer this game is fantastic to play and makes you return to your childhood as this was many peoples first game.

Tomb Raider II
Moving onto Tomb Raider II, again this game follows the same principles as the first, and in my opinion actually isn't quite as good, although the graphics are no better and the platforming is still completely impossible in nearly every location the storyline just isn't as good as the first one. New additions where added into this game making this part of it slightly more exciting as new weapons, new vehicles and much larger levels were added in; and combining larger levels with the terrible platforming system in this game means that even the first level with take about an hour to complete.

Tomb Raider III
The third game to be made by Core Design was Tomb Raider III: The Adventures of Lara Croft. This game again see Lara going on an adventure to obtain mystical treasures around the world whilst encountering many obstacles and puzzles that need solving along the way. Again like the previous two games in this one the graphics again are very similar, although in this one there is a definite improvement. There are still very bad textures in the environment but at least the levels are progressively getting larger and also the game levels are getting more detailed and objects are beginning to be added in more frequently; which was something that was very difficult to find in the previous games.

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
This is the game which the graphics began to improve greatly, and even Lara herself becomes smoother looking and less pointy in places. This is a slightly different approach to the gamer series as this one is set when Lara is 16 and is just a child but is still in the way of danger. Although there doesn't appear to be an vulnerability, which is something this games lacks as she is only 16, but she still opts for the usual attire that she seems to have an ample supply of. The graphics in this game are definitely a lot more smoother and there are no longer any dodgy texturing, as seen above in the 3rd game, and there is also new moves and abilities that have been added included pole grab and rope swinging.

Tomb Raider: Chronicles
Tomb Raider Chronicles then took no different turn in direction what so ever. With the installment of the 5th game, surely the graphics could have been improved further but to no joy even in 2000 there was no difference really apart from the slight change in graphic smoothness, which can be seen throughout the different games anyway as new technologies allowed it to be possible. Again there have been new abilities added in like Lara being able to tightrope walk and there is definitely more objects in the environments but again apart from that I cannot really see any difference and there isn't much improvement in the storyline.

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
This is probably one of the worst games in the series but it had to be looked at to compare against the rest. This game is the last one produced by Core Design and is definitely a reason to have stopped and handed the series over to a different company as this wasn't going anywhere. Although the storyline hadn't really improved in this game, the graphics did improve a lot, and it is definitely noticeable. There are no longer any horrible textures that merge from the floor into the side walls and sometimes into the ceiling as well, making it impossible to see where you were going, but in this one textures have been correctly added and there is a lot more detail in the environments themselves allowing Lara and the gamer to interact with it more.

Tomb Raider: Legend
Then came a new era of Tomb Raider games beginning with the 2006 game Tomb Raider: Legend and also was developed by a new company Crystal Dynamics. This game is definitely one of my favourites in the series having made the improvement in graphics, the general platforming gameplay and also the storyline. It includes a lot more cut scenes voiced by the brilliant Keeley Hawes and goes into a lot more detail about background history and what happens with Lara's mother, as this history was unknown before this game. When looking at the graphics, they are fantastic, not HD quality yet, but they are near enough there, and starting out with a brilliant fight scene at the beginning in a city skyscraper that has some truly amazing sights in it makes this game brilliant.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Over 10 years after the original game was created the new company that was designing the Tomb Raider series decided to produce a remake of the first game using the new game engine that created Legend. The game levels that where used in the first game are the same in every way besides the graphics and general gameplay being so much better and completely improved in every way. This is a brilliant game and is definitely worth playing for those who enjoyed the first game thoroughly as it is one of the best remakes ever included the famous battle with a T Rex.

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Gone are the days with Lara's typical plait and hello kick ass ponytail Lara. In this new addition to the game series sees Lara undergoing more underwater based missions and explorations along with much improved graphics as well, and along with one of the best games in the series title. This game is a fan favourite and probably the best ever made in the series to date, but in my opinion I'm not so keen as I do not enjoy under water gameplay. Besides this, and the stupid amount of so called 'Arctic' sharks in this game, it is brilliant and visually amazing and this is where I would like to aim my own game on. The graphics are beautiful and the environments look stunning and are amazing to walk around and along with a new storyline and new weapons and enemies, this game is a definite must buy.

Tomb Raider 2013
The newest game in the series is Tomb Raider 2013 which takes us back to Lara's routes and also a younger Lara, which is always interesting to play as and unlike the previous young Lara this one shows a lot more vulnerability and is definitely more cautious about moving through the levels. This time equipped with a bow and arrow in some cases, which is new to the game series, Lara attempts to save her fellow archaeologists from the islands inhabitants after they become trapped there, which is an usual but brilliant twist on the original stories where Lara would usually be going looking for treasure and therefore trouble at the same time. This game, like the last, is stunning. There isn't much more that can be said about the graphics other than how beautiful they are and how well the environments and weather on the island convey the mood and danger in the scene as this game also adopts a much darker theme.

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