Tuesday, 19 February 2013

PPP1 Research: Spyro the Dragon

One classic game that I always enjoyed thoroughly was the original and first Spyro game to be made. Due to owning an original Playstation it was a privilege to own and play this game. For it's time and when it was made this is an amazing game with solid graphics that made a cutting breakthrough for other games; as well as the ones in the series. As a stand alone game it has been beautifully designed and includes a creative and imaginative storyline to be played though. The basic storyline follows Spyro, the small purple dragon as he moves through different levels and worlds saving the other dragons from Gnasty Gnorc and reclaiming the lost dragon treasure that has been stolen from them.

The levels themselves are based in different worlds which contain portals to be able to fly to each different level, where you are confronted with different enemies that all have to be defeated to be able to collect all of the treasure; in which each level has about 300 gems. Also on each level there are around 3 or 4 dragons to be saved who have been frozen into place by Gnasty Gnorc. The aim of the levels are simple and also exciting and in some placed challenging and the main reason for this being one of my favourite games is due to some challenging elements, the sense of adventure that is gained from playing through each of the  world and also the fact that you aim to complete the game 100%; something that many newer games to not have.

When looking back at the picture and quality of the game it is amazing to say that it was produced in 1998. Even though the texturing on the game as a whole is very limited and the shapes used are very much blocks this game is still immaculate. It is definitely a game to look back on and envy though if you do not own it; although there are downsides to the graphics, it still uses strong vibrant colours that are eye catching and exciting to view especially in the first world. Even the characters in each world are animated successfully and beautifully rendered into the game; each character having there own unique voice and appearance. Along with excellent graphics for its time this game also comes with an amazing sound track which is played over each level and really adds to the atmosphere of the game as the music changes every world from upbeat and happy music in the Artisan's World to the dramatic drum beats of the Beast Makers.

                    Sypro the Dragon (Peace Keepers)

Due to the fact that it is an older game there are a few glitches in the game; some of them can be used as an advantage to gameplay as there can be shortcuts in levels that can take you to the end and miss everything but there can also be ones where the levels do not render fully and you end up flying off the world without realising until you then realise your a purple dragon drowning in lava; which seems quite ironic as dragons are able to breath fire, you'd think they could dip there toes in lava and be fine.

In terms of the other games in the series, this one is by far the best, no competition needed. Even though the next two games in the series are very similar in the fact that they use the same principles as the first one but when it comes to the general gameplay they are just not as fun, even with the same cheeky humour that the first one has, different characters are introduced and also made playable in the mini games that in my opinion are just not fun to complete. But, if like me you want to fully complete the 100% it becomes tedious trying to complete these mini games. In the later games, which were made more recently is a different gaming experience completely. The fun nature of killing the colourful characters went out the window as dark themes and plots introduced and in some places the gameplay was so dark you couldn't see what was happening - which ruined all of the future games for me personally.

Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Playing as Shelia the Kangaroo)

 Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

To conclude, this is a must have game, and if you have never played it, it's essential that you do. Through combining great quality graphics, a humorous and witty storyline that has hilarious cut scenes and fun and quirky music this game is a must own or at least a must play before any others in the series. When playing it is like being transported back to our childhood which is an amazing feeling that only this game can do successfully.

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