Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Concept Art Development 2

Once I knew what the basic shapes of the cave would look like I then went through and added a few objects into each of the scenes. I only added treasure in at this stage and looking back I should have included more detailed objects and items throughout the cave. Like before I completed these on Photoshop but I am not particularly proud of them as they are shaded roughly and do not look that good to me.

In terms of the first one, to begin with I don't want there to be treasure this early on in the map and I also didn't really like the orangey glow of the sunset. I wanted my level to convey fear so I would need to set it at night instead. 

When looking at this one, I am not happy with the coins here again and will end up replacing them with crates and barrels as this will create a better environment. Also I really like the way the cave gets a lot darker as it goes down but in this case I may need to add torches to be able to show the tunnels better.

I then lastly completed one of the inner section of the cave. I really like the look of this cave, but as before the texturing is not that good and there are far to many rocky areas in the background. This could be broken up by adding in piles of gold around the large chest and also changing the shape of it so that it looks older. 

After I had developed my concept art further I then went back and drew out 2 quick sketches to refine the look of the cave further. I first drew one of the tunnel including the torches and then also the inner cave as to refine earlier concept art problems.

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