Wednesday 23 October 2013

PPP2 Review: Far Cry 3

I think the list of my favourite games is now every growing and Far Cry 3 has been added somewhere near the top due to how beautiful and utterly fantastic this game is. You are Jason, a young adult, presumably about 20ish, who has gone on holiday to Rook Island with his two brothers and 4 friends. The island is rich with activity and they take part in everything, not wanting to miss a single part of the islands fun. That is until a skydiving trip turns terribly wrong. They end up being captured by Vaas, a man who thinks he owns the island and likes to remind everyone that he does; and with force. after a daring escape from Vaas' clutches, Jason must fight to survive the most dangerous parts of the island but he will get some help from the inhabitants, who have had enough of Vaas' ruling.

A gripping story takes you on a roller coaster around the island as Jason tries to not only find his friends and brothers but also to help restore the peace of the island and solve the large weed problem that they have - which does resolve  in a very interesting mission with a flamethrower and a large maharaja farm. The whole general story, although it is about drugs and captivity, does have light humour which is very interesting as Jason must keep his sanity and keep on track.

Along with the main story missions there are also an absolute ton of side quests and the bounty killings to complete; which is always a nice extra thing to add to a huge game like this. And if that wasn't enough there about 120 relics to find, items to be crafted from animal hide and also loot chests to discover. In a massive games like this, even just exploring the island is more fun then it looks as you never know when your going to spot enemies scouting in the woods or get mauled by a tiger while taking a stroll.

The island is something that instantly attracted me to this game as it truly is stunning. Stretching onwards, upwards, downwards and backwards; there is never ending beauty to be seen and wherever you can see; you can go, which is definitely the beauty of this game. Along with beauty all around you, you can't help but notice how beautiful the small villages are and how well them and the local inhabitants have been designed. All of the huts and shacks that have been created look amazing and fit the nature of the island perfectly along with what the people were. Clothes, obviously, but then animal skins that have been collected from around the island - which is a lovely touch as this is all they would have had.

For me, this game is wonderful and perfectly made as a fun first person action/adventure game. The beautiful mechanics of the game allow easy movement around all sections of the island and this is crucial  to be able to get to everywhere. The brilliant designing of the island and everything on it also just add to the spectacular beauty which is this whole game.

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