Monday 4 November 2013

VFX Research: Man of Steel

Due to never having seen a superman film before, I jumped at the chance to go and watch Henry Cavill star as the new Man of Steal. I have never been a huge fan of Superman in the past due to his stupid amount of powers and how invincible he is, but I though I would give this film a go with a 'hope' that its as good as the trailer made it out to be.

We follow Clark Kent, as he is known on Earth, as he grows up very quickly and we learn about everything he has to do to try and have a normal life on Earth, after his parents save him by sending him away from his own planet Krypton. this film is actually the first time we have got to get a sneaky peak at the plant too and some of the creatures on it too which was a lovely touch that I really enjoyed. During this film I believe we see a softer and more vulnerable side to Superman as we learn about his past and how it affects what he does in the future and how he learns of who he truly is.

The film did exceed my expectations and I thought the plot was very well told and highlighted key characters that has been in Superman previously like Lois Lane and Zod, which again was brilliant to bring together as it made a very good plot. Altogether for me, this was more of an origins story as we are introduced to all the characters, and even though we know of them already , we learn more about them which only adds to the depth of storytelling.

As I didn't know a lot about Superman's powers I wasn't sure how powerful he actually was and it was incredible to see the finale as every fight towards the end seemed to merge together in one battle of epicness, which was incredible to watch and this is where we learn about Superman's actual need to help the world and why he wants to do it so much, as we have just watched about how he has also lost so much in his life. Even though I have not seen the other Superman films, I would imagine that this is one of the best, mainly because they finally took away his ridiculous blue pants...

'It's not an S... It means Hope...'
So does that mean your now Hopeman?

Story and general plot aside this film is brilliant for my VFX module as it includes some fantastic CGI. When watching back parts of the old films when they made him fly its clear to see the transition between man being dangled from wire and green screen placed in background, but this new film washes all that away due to the rendering that would have gone into sorting this out. After looking at Maya render passes I now realise how important they would have been to add in; without them the footage doesn't look like its in the scene properly, as demonstrated with the original films. This is definitely a technique that I know I will be adding into my final footage as, like this I want to make it look like my character is actually there, and has traveled back in time.

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