Monday 4 November 2013

VFX Research: The Wolverine

Say hello to the best X Men film ever made! And it only took like 3 failures, one okay one and one which was mildly good. Wolverine is back and sinking his claw into and also through every Japanese man in sight. In this film Wolverine is really at his best and it is jam-packed with action, fighting and even a slight bit of romance in the form of a dead Jean.

Anyway, Wolverine has been invited to Japan by a man whom he saved from an atomic bomb several years ago. He is willing to help Wolverine by taking away his healing factor, something which he has wanted to do ever since he fell in love with Jean. Thing then escalate quickly as the old man dies, supposedly leaving everything to his granddaughter. This is not good news for his son and soon the chase for freedom for Wolverine and the granddaughter begin.

When looking into more detail in the film I really liked what I saw. There were brilliant mutants present in the city that were well designed to which the creepy long-tongued lady fitted well as she is the main cause of havoc that escalates through Japan. The film also has fantastic locations throughout and they vary so much. They travel from a multimillionaires pad to cosy cottage retreats and from inner city Japan to on top of the bullet train to then slumming it in a skanky looking lovers motel. The diversity in the location is very remarkable.

Combine bullet trains, explosions, chases, bit robots, a hurt Logan and a strange but erotic couples motel just increases the awesome rating of this film as it is truly fantastic and doesn't include anything to over the top and stupid like previous X Men films have.

Again another film that includes such fantastic CGI, The Wolverine is a film that includes a lot more CGI then most people would actually think. A lot of the locations that they shot at didn't have the spectacular background and were actually quite boring. With visual effects this gives us the necessary means to be able to add in the smaller details and create entire backgrounds that were never actually there. I can use this in my video to help me to be able to create backgrounds for my footage and to be able to show off my CG abilities in creating a world that isn't actually there.

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