Monday 9 December 2013

Responsive Research: United 93 by Meg Sugden

'United 93' by Meg Sugden
United 93 is a film that was brought out after the events of 9/11. It is a true story based off the events that took place primarily on board of flight 93, the plane which was destined to go into the White House as part of a terrorist act. It is a story of both the courage and bravery of all those on board and a replication of how they tried to overthrow the terrorists in one final act of desperation.

The film begins from the terrorists point of view as they pray to God and prepare for one last journey in their lives in what they think with please him and grant them freedom. We see the effort that went behind everything that they went through to ensure every place got a plane crashed through it, and see the effort they go through to satisfy there beliefs. When arriving at the airport we see them walk through a normal busy environment, people queuing to get onto planes, talking on phones and generally being normal and happy, even through they have no idea what is about to happen. The pilot and co-pilot are then introduced. This is the worst part, having to get to know them as characters and knowing there back stories as we become more attached to them and gain this early on.We learn about the air hostesses as well and see them talking about going home to loved ones after the flight is over; making what they are about to do even more realistic. Throughout the film there are a lot of cut backs to different traffic control centers to show what they had to go through as well during the events. Its a stressful enough job already without having to mix terrorists into the pot.

'It's a beautiful day for flying.'

As the events of the day unfold we start to get an idea about what is going on in the sky from the perspective of the officers on the ground and how they are not getting a response from flight America 11. But worry doesn't stay around too long, especially on United 93 where no one seems to be paying attention to the safety instructions, and as the plane is delayed nearly half an hour the terrorists become more frantic and on edge. We start to get a little more insight into the events as random bits of transitions start to come through from America 11 and we begin to learn of the hijack situation; terror begins to cross everyone's minds as we learn that two people where stabbed and there is there is more planes involved. But at this point no flights where cancelled, they were still allowed to take off even though there was this threat of more planes being involved.

During the take off of United 93, everything goes smoothly and we get a glimpse out of the aircraft windows at the Two Towers still standing. Minutes later and the North Tower gets hit, smoke billows out of the trade center and panic begins to flow around Air Traffic Control as they are loosing the planes on their radar. The South Tower is hit, and another plane disappears off the radar, as realisation is gained from the people on the ground, but how many other planes are out there? At this point Air Traffic Control has 4200 planes in the air over the eastern side of America making it impossible to pin-point which plane was going to be taken next. This only adds to shear trauma that occurs and has been since the first tower was hit. But news is spreading quickly as we see the terrorists act upon United 93.

Probably one of the most incredible films based on an aircraft as at this point there is so much panic that you feel your heart racing for the people on board. You feel the terror that they felt and the fear that was going through all of them as one of the terrorists stands at the front with a bomb attached to him. The chaos that rumbles through the plane is unreal and very soon the terrorists have control and the passengers are sent to the back of the plane, where we find out there true motive as one, now the pilot, attaches a picture of the white house onto the planes steering panel.

'Both brothers have hit their targets.'
'We are in control, thanks be to God.'

There is so much fear and horror running through the passengers as they begin to use the on board phones as a means of first finding out what is happening and also contacting loved ones. This scene not only makes you feel heartbroken and sad but also miss your own family. You couldn't imagine how they must be feeling in this situation as it is so unbelievable that you couldn't thinking of it actually happening. They find that planes have hit the World Trade Center and even more recently just hit the edge of the pentagon. They realise something must be done.

'This is a suicide mission, we need to do something.'

Once they realise they have a pilot on board, they know they have to try and get into the cockpit to take back the plane, and everyone is up to helping. The unity that is on board in this scene is heartbreaking as they accept there fate of dying but do not want to go down without a fight. So, with bravery and courage in their hearts they keep fighting, and against all the odds, as they reach the front of the plane, taking down two terrorists along the way, they barge down the cockpit door... but it was too late and the plane hit the floor beneath them.

'Of the four aircraft hijacked that day, United 93 was the only one that did not reach its target. It crashed near Shankville, Pennsylvania at 10:03am.
No one survived.'

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