Thursday 23 January 2014

VFX: Post Production: Editing the Footage and Adding Sound

I then went onto editing my footage that I had put together for my module and I did this in Adobe Premiere. During this process I completely ignored the sound to begin with as it was just the sound from the camera which would be taken off in the end anyway and replaced by the sound from the recorder as it didn't have as much background noise on it anyway.

The best way I found to do this was first by watching my footage again and then going through it piece by piece and fitting the footage into the right place on the timeline. This then could show me how far over a minute I was, which was quite a lot. I was a little disappointed during this that I couldn't use my original storyboard as I just ran out of time so quickly and didn't account for the amount of work that I actually had to do in the end. So my changed ending was a bit upsetting but in the end when I had finished editing just the footage without the Maya animation in there I realised I had very little time left to work with anyway, so in this sense I was rather relieved.

Then I exported my footage into After Effects so that I could get rid of the green screen background. To be able to do this I used my guide that I created when we previously learned how to rotoscope and this proved very helpful as I was easily able to go through my footage and edit it with ease. I started by importing in my footage and then using the pen tool I cut around my character. This proved quick annoying as I did have to go frame by frame to ensure that he didn't move out of the masked area at any point. It was a lengthy process but by the time I was done I was happy with how it looked.

What I did next was at the effect Keylight 1.2 which is the same effect that I used previously to get rid of the green background. This was fairly simple but there was a problem with one scene where the lighting was a little too dark and it had a slight shadow across it, but this could be solved later on.

I then changed a number of settings on the left hand side so that the edges were moved blurred, making it sit better in the scene and then also make the black and white tolerance slightly different so that there was less negative space in the background. I still had a few problems that needed to be altered and this did take some time to figure out how they we going to be solved.

The next day when I opened my footage I found that I now didn't have this problem, which was good. I'm not sure how it was fixed but due to the fact I do not have the problem anymore I am not too worried about it. The effect of the green screen can be best seen against a blue background which is demonstrated below.

I then looked at putting all of the different elements together. This meant bringing in the still image backgrounds from Maya, along with the rendered out scenes as well, and then also making sure that my titles and credits were sorted as well. This was a fairly easy process and didn't take as long as I thought it would. In some of the scenes, especially where there is a green screen element some minor effects did have to be added. In most of the scenes where the man is the center focus, the background is slightly blurred so that it looks like it was filmed and then also colour corrections had to be done as well as the characters clothing was too pinky red; these were only minor things though.

The last thing that I added into my final video was the T-Rex foot stomping down at the end of the video. I had finished creating it in Mudbox and had taken it into Maya so that I could delete the rest of the body but still have the foot remaining. This was an easy process that didn't take very long; it was getting it into After Effects that was a little more difficult I had to ensure that once it was in it looked like it was actually standing down on the man. It didn't take me to long to figure out and it looked really good in the end. I finished off by making some final colour adjustments to ensure that everything sat correctly and added a few more Gaussian blurs to create a fake camera focus on the screen, making certain aspects the centre of attention. I then also added two shadows, both to this part, one for the man and one for the T-Rex stamping down, which really added the right effect and made it look more realistic. At this point I also added a motion blur onto the foot as it was coming down so that it gave it movement and added a colour correction on the foot as well. I am really happy at the moment with the look of it and can't wait to see how adding my other VFX will improve it further.

Once I had finished editing my video I had to add my audio back in so that it was clearer, crisper and not going off the scale in terms of how loud it was. This process wasn't to difficult as in some areas where the character is just making a few noises I left as just being audio from the camera as it worked well and in the areas I did have to add the dialog in, I had very little to sort out anyway.

After this process, as this did not take very long at all, I added in my sound effects which again was a relatively easy process, once I had got the sound files together. With the sound effects I wanted to make sure that they sounded realistic and fitted well within the environment and also fitted with the theme of my video. For the scene in the lab I went with metallic noises as the time machine disappears to go with the special effects that were added. Then in the jungle I wanted to add more natural noises like bird calls and rustling leaves, along with the loud thumping of the T-Rex getting closer.

I really liked all of the sound effects the I decided to add as they all bring there own uniqueness to the film; the best one being the T-Rex getting closer and as they get louder you know it is about to appear. Along with this the noise of the time machine is also nice as it takes off and lands as it is unique but there is a clear Doctor Who reference, which is what I looked at in my research. Altogether now that the sound has been added I feel that the film is starting to come together more. I will now move onto looking at the special effects that need to be added in which a few more sounds might be needed after to make it sound more realistic.

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