Tuesday 19 May 2015

Personal and Professional Practice 3: 'Engage' Studio Brief - End of Year Show/Games Republic Preperation

For our end of year show at university and also for Games Republic which me and Sophie are going to at the beginning of June. We really wanted to be prepared for both the events and decided one of the things that we really wanted, especially for Games Republic, was matching T-shirts. We really wanted these to look simple but still professional so we designed them with Keith's face on the back covering that and with the name of the game below it. 
We then also wanted to have our names on the front so we used the logo that I created for Extended Practice and then put our names in the same font writing as the rest of our game. The front is slightly more boring but we wanted it to be simple and not stand out too much. I really like the final result of them and I'm really excited for when they arrive!

I then moved onto looking at getting all of my turntables together and exported so that they can be used on iPads at Games Republic, as we had already got the characters prepare with idles, walk and talking animations we simple had to set up the tables to get them ready, something that didn't take very long. What we plan on having at both the events is two iPad's set up at either side of the main game, one with these turntables on and one with the trailer on so that when people are waiting to play the demo of the game, this keep people interested and keeps them wanting to find out more about the game.

We then wanted to have some design boards set up at the end of year show and Games Republic to show our workings throughout the project. We wanted to print them all out in A3 as we are still not sure how much space we have at the events and A3 is still big enough to see all of the workings out. We wanted there to be design boards for both of the environments and then all of the characters as well to show how they were designed from start to finish.

For the events we wanted to have a card board cut out of Keith as we wanted people to be able to take pictures with him and he is really appealing for children and this will get them looking at us more as we have something physical that they can touch and interact with, again while waiting to play the game itself. We knew that we wanted a life sized one as he only 85cm tall anyway and we went down to the print room to get it done so that it looked as professional as possible as it had to survive two car journeys and two separate events.

Lastly me and Sophie sat down and looked at how we could set up for the end of year show as we wanted to ensure that we planned out our space correctly. We wanted to have a desk with two computers on both with the demo of the game on so two people could play at the same time. Then we wanted two iPads set up next to that, one showing the trailer for the game and the second showing the character turnarounds. Then we want to have the 9 design boards above where the iPads are so people can get in close and look at them, then we lastly wanted to have the cut out of Keith next to the pc's at the other side to make the space more fill. We then found that we had quite a blank space so we wanted to get Keith the Koala printed there to tell people the name of the game. 

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