Tuesday, 19 February 2013

PPP1 Research: Lego Lord of the Rings

After seeing an advert for this I knew that I had to go out and buy it straight away, and as I am a massive Lord of the Ring fan anyway, this seemed like the perfect game for me. As previously stated in my other review that I did for the game Spyro the Dragon, I thoroughly enjoy playing games to be able to complete then 100% as otherwise in my opinion there is no point in the playing the game, as this game is excellent for being able to do that as there is not only the storyline to play but there are also collectable to locate and extra missions to complete as well. The main storyline for this game follows each of the Lord of the Ring films quite accurately and you are able to play as many different characters, including all the main ones such as Frodo, Sam, Aragon and Gandalf, in their own journey's across Middle Earth, which is so exciting as it also offers an open world experience to be able to visit everywhere and play as any character in the free play experience once unlocked.

The graphics for this game are excellent and compare well to other Lego games that have been brought out in terms of how well they ran on the console and how well they could actually be played. The game itself runs beautifully and it is a very cheerful game that has bright colours in places, despite the dark theme, and it almost has a humorous side to it. In terms of the sounds used they are all very generic to video games but still work well in the game and help to create the atmosphere along with the music from the films that is a wonderful touch to the games and really brings everything together, especially as you progress in the game getting further towards Mordor with Frodo and Sam.

When comparing this game to the other Lego games that I have looked at I was actually more disappointed at this aspect. In, and especially, the Lego Pirates of the Carribean game there was more humour that made the game more enjoyable, which doesn't seem to be in this one, and there is now also speaking, something that was never included before. Again another add on to the game series that doesn't sit well with me as there used to humorous, quirky parts to the original games whereas it has gotten more serious in these newer ones. Another thing that really does annoy me about this game is that, again unlike the Pirates game, there is no home world that can be used, making it very hard to be able to navigate around the world and also the free play mode does not work very well, and it is very confusing.

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