Tuesday, 19 February 2013

PPP1 Research: Clop

Clop is a very strange game which I came across which includes playing as a unicorn that has to find its way across a path to be able to get to 'Thee fair maiden' as said by Ben in the game. The aim is pretty simple, control and move from one place to the next and the only thing in the way is the road which has a few hills and rocks on it.. but combining that with a unicorn in which each of its legs are assigned to a key on the keyboard, and then fact that it thinks its on an invisible ice rink, the game is made harder, if not nearly impossible to complete.

Using the keys 'HJKL' that control each of the unicorns legs, makes this game the sequel to QWOP, which was made to challenge every person that tried, and probably failed to complete it due to how immensely hard to was to get the runner to move forward normally let alone move at all. Clop is just as hard and also is a game designed to test you mentally as well; how long can you play this game without wanting to punch the computer screen and throw a keyboard out of the window. Despite the concept of the game the graphics on it are very limited in a way that the rocks don't even look like rocks and it looks like its been taken out of the 80s due to the low quality resolution on the image of the boy.

Besides the rubbish quality and the fact that the only sound in the game is achieved by playing the game well and actually making the unicorn move swiftly over the ground, this game is very addictive and you find yourself constantly wanting to play it more to try and get over the first hill obstacle so that you can only get a high score which takes you half way to the finish line.

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