Tuesday 22 October 2013

Context of Practice 2: Seminar 2

During our second seminar of the year we mainly went over our lecture and a little bit of the previous weeks lecture as well looking once again at the question; Does video games or films make us violent?

We then started to look at fordism briefly again to see how we could then link this more into digital film, games and animation, as in the lecture we didn't get to specialise this to suit us. We looked at a few different examples of fordism can be used in today's modern society and how storyline and genres have been recycled over and over again for years.

Example 1
Rom Coms are an excellent example of fordism and how the same story has been used countless times which is the very obvious and predictable storyline which appears in nearly every single Rom Com ever made. We pretty much know how each film is going to end and we also known that there is going to be a very predictable plot twist in the middle. These films will all follow this same basic principle as this appears to be the foundation in which all Rom Coms are built on.

Example 2
Call of Duty is another brilliant example, but this time of how a game can be recycled and remade so many times. The story of CoD is basically the same in every game, just different locations have been made to keep the gamers interested but this just seems like a stupid thing to do, when they could be making much more exciting games instead.

Example 3
Grand Theft Auto series is again something that could be considered as fordism as they same game principles are exactly the same and even in some cases the locations, such as Mount Chiliad in San Andreas, which is repeated in Grand Theft Auto V even though it is in a completely different location on the island. Although the graphics do get better throughout the different games the main features of it are still the same.

Example 4
Die Hard is the last example that I wanted to look at as once again these films are all very similar and use the same basic storyline, bad guys do something and John McClain saves the day. Although despite the same storyline I think the only thing that differs through them are Bruce Willis' receding hair line.

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