Wednesday 30 October 2013

VFX Research: Janek Sirrs

Janek Sirrs is the next visual effects artist that I am going to be talking about, and he isn't really that well known. When researching into practitioners I thought first about which films have been the most successful in terms of the CGI, as I didn't really know many names in the visual effects industry, and I then looked at who was the supervisor for the effects team. This was a really interesting way of looking at it as you learn about films in the past that they have done which are brilliant and some of your favourite.

Due to the fact that there isn't a lot of information to be found about Janek Sirrs, it made it quite hard to collect research on him, so instead I took a closer look at some of the top films he has created the visuals for. Although having a long history in the film industry, stretching right back to the late 80s, early 90s, it has only really been the last 10 years in which he has got his claim to fame and become more famous for working on larger films, and doing quite a bit of work with more well known companies. During the early stages of his career he worked on features such as Matilda, Dante's Peak, The Truman Show and Mission Impossible II.

But more recently he kick his career up more by creating the effects for Batman Begins and then Iron Man 2. These are both fantastic films in which the visual effects are superb. So much CG went into creating both of these films; I had a look at the VFX Breakdown at it is amazing how much effort went into creating just a few scenes and how heavily CG these films actually were. The newest film that he worked on, and also how I found him, was The Avenger's Assemble. This film is so heavily CG and Janek Sirrs, as the visual effects supervisor, made a fantastic job of this, and it is an amazing film to watch before doing a visual effects module, as it is beautiful and looks incredible.

When watching these films that he has created it really inspires me to start creating my own visual effects and attempt to get them on a semi decent level that would be worthy of film quality; maybe not Avenger's good but as its my first attempt I want to make sure its the best I can produce.

1 comment:

  1. If u janek sirrs reads this how r u Trevor jenkinson here from your school days in derby hi
