Wednesday 30 October 2013

PPP2 Research: More Networking

Yesterday we didn't actually cover a lot but we did look into networking a little bit more and how it can be useful in the future to be able to get in touch with people and share knowledge and understanding with others in a similar industry. For this I wanted to be able to achieve this, and following last years instructions, I decided to go back to Twitter.

Although Twitter might not be the best way of communicating with people as I find that the user face is very difficult to navigate around and its difficult to just post something to a friend or to someone, and ensure that they have read it. To me Facebook has a much better and more friendly user face but then again this is seen as a very mediocre way of networking to professionals and doesn't look good. So after giving Twitter a couple more tries I am starting to get used to it a little bit more and I'm starting to see some benefits from it from an industry point of view. I set up this Twitter account a while ago and recently went back to it as my other one, which I set up last year for college seem to be inundated with Android App messages, about 900 of them, so I decided to use my other one instead as it was simple to change details around on it. I am now starting to gain a list of important people who I am following, and have even got a few followers back already, and have used this account to learn about new things that are going to be happening and other things in my area of interest.

I then went off and started to look at Meet Up and Eventbrite as these are brilliant ways of getting involved in local networking in a place that's convenient for you. So far there hasn't been anything of interest to me yet, but I really want to start looking at these every week to see if any gaming things come up or even film groups that I can attend and go to talk to people about just to get other peoples opinions or see what they've been watching and doing, as this will then create more connections and will help me to get more involved with everyone else.

The last website that I joined and posted onto was LinkedIn. This is quite a confusing website in which I can share work I am doing and look at other peoples, and it is very much a business profile more than anything. I am not hoping for much out of it, but if I can get any interest from it, I will be happy I guess, even though my profile is probably not the best.

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