Thursday 24 October 2013

Velociraptor Concept Art Development 3

I was really happy with how the colour models turned out and decided to go with number 2 as this was the best one out of all the colours that I tested on the model. So once I was happy with this I then sketched out another piece of concept art which showed the Velociraptor on a much better angle but then also then Photoshopped to have the correct colours on it.

Below is the original scanning of my sketched out Velociraptor before I edited it on Photoshop.

I then took it into Photoshop and started to carry out the same technique I used to create the other model, by first heightening the contrast using the levels toolbar, before starting to colour it, using the same colour scheme as I did in my development.

Once I had the general colour done I then added in the smaller details like changing the eyes so that they stood out a little bit more and then changed the colour of the skin around the mouth as it didn't stand out very well. 

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