Thursday 24 October 2013

Velociraptor Concept Art Devlopment 2

Once I had my Velociraptor down on paper, and then scanned it into the computer I wanted to start thinking about the colour that it would have been. My model is very dark and uses mainly greens and slight hints of dark brown. So, with these images below I wanted to come up with a range of different colour schemes to be able to determine the correct one that would look the best when it came to modelling and these were the final ones that I came up with by changing the hue/saturation on them.

This was the original colour that I did, I really like how it turned out and you can clearly see the different colours that have been used and I really love how the subtle colours on the face and the legs can be seen 

This second what that I did, I turned the hue/saturation down on it slightly to be able to see a small difference, but I really like this one. It has toned the colours down on it significantly and it looks really interesting. It has also changed the colours on the face slightly so that they are more of a muddy orangy-yellow which I really like as well. If I'm honest this will probably be the one I use for my final concept art as I think it will work the best in the end.

The next one that I changed I really didn't like, it was far too purply, but I thought it might be able to be incorporated if I made the man go back in time and he ended up in an alternate universe, but this isn't that good of an idea. I don't like the colour of the skin and the skin around the lips has also turned a weird colour as well.

The next one which I did is a bit more of a bluey-greenish colour, but I went with a colder look to it, again using the basis of time travel and again some kind of alternate universe. This time due to the cold looking nature of it, it could be based on an icy world instead of a typical jungle, which I do like the idea of, but again I'm just not sure about the colour, as it is a bit too different.

The next one I did was another variation on colour which is a bit different, and I really don't like this one at all. To me this is a lot like the 3rd design I made but with more pink and red in it instead and it just doesn't look right.

The last one I changed is probably one of my favourites, due to how might and lovely the colours are. I upped the hue/saturation by a lot on this one, using the first design, and it really does catch your eye. Although it is probably one of the best looking it just wouldn't work in an environment as it is too bright, so as much as I love this one, it will probably have to be disgaurded again.  

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