Tuesday 29 October 2013

VFX Research: Dennis Muren

The next CG artists is probably one of my favourites having been the person who worked on the first Jurassic Park film, which is one and my favourites, and also very relevant to what I'm making for this module and its Dennis Muren.

Dennis Muren is probably one of the most famous VFX artists working on some of the top films in the industry and worked with some of the most notable directors in the film industry, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and George Lucas. Born in California (1946), he became interested in film at an early age and created his first shot film Equinox, which was liked so much that Tonylyn Production released it and made it into a full feature film in the 70s.

After this he began creating visual effects full time and in 1976 he was hired at Industrial Light and Magic, a small visual effects studio founded by George Lucas himself, who was a small time director at the time. But at this time the production of the first Star Wars film was underway and Muren helped with the visual effects and created the highest grossing film of all time, at the current time. Also with the same company he created the CGI for the film Terminator 2: Judgement Day, which in my opinion was some of the best CGI I have seen in appear in the 90s that truly was a
groundbreaking visual.

Now came the biggy. A few years later he created the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park, one of my all time favourite films, and then also did the sequel as Spielberg was so happy with how they had turned out, along with the mixture of puppets in there as well.

Due to his fame and growing skills in the film industry he is now noted as a senior visual effects supervisor, which is something to be seriously envied, but it is down to pure talent and expertly created visuals in the film industry for so many years working on big titles such as E.T, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Hulk and War of the Worlds. Not to mention that he has been confirmed to be working on the visual for the newest installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, Jurassic World coming to the cinemas in 2015, a film that is definitely going to be one of the best films I think I will ever see.

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