Thursday 7 November 2013

Final Character Concept Art

Once I had my 6 development ideas down I then finalised them, taking the best one and then changing some of the aspects around and adding a little bit from others as well. I am really happy with how the finished product looks to which Stuart Brown, a concept artist from my course helped me draw out the final look so I could Photoshop it, but I will have to buy in a lot of resources to be able to create this outfit, but it still turned out really well and I can definitely see this staring in my film. I think adding in the stains onto the coat really made all the different as it shows that it's used, and I also wanted to show that he is both a scientist, with the potions, and then also an inventor, with the wires in his pocket.

I then wanted to look at the traits of my character to show how he has acted and why he has done some things. I wanted to get this mini fact file into my work so I too, as well as the audience, had a good idea about his background and also how he would act in certain situations because of these traits.

I then did this last image to show how big my velociraptor would be against the man, as it has now been proved that they weren't as big as some films where portraying them to be, especially Jurassic Park, but then again they got the entire look of them wrong, making me change my design as well so that everyone knows what dinosaur I am trying to use.

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