Thursday 7 November 2013

Moodboard and Development of Character Design

For my module I need a character that will be going back in time in my story to get the dinosaurs. So to begin with I started by looking at a range of different character, scientists in particular, so that I could get an idea about what mine was going to look like and be wearing. I wanted to look at a range of different characters so that I could narrow my ideas down and then eventually end up with an interesting looking character that is also memorable at the same time.

Below I have started my research by generating a mood board of different looking scientists so that I could design mine around this and ensure that I can create the strangest and most outrageous looking guy going and make sure that I knew what the outfits were going to look like.

After having a look at them altogether I kind of knew where I wanted to go with my character. I really wanted to get that nutty professor kind of look with all of the chemicals in the background and make the environment quite steamy using different colours that will be spilling out of jars and vials. But the main thing with the character is I wanted to use the traditional white lab coat and then add in the crazy white or orange hair and big glasses but then make sure that he looks like he's been electrocuted a couple hundred times to give that crazy appearance. I also want to him to have stains all over his clothes to give the illusion that he's always worn the same thing and doesn't ever want to change and then also I think the bow tie should be a crucial detail to add.

After looking at initial ideas for my character I wanted to then draw out a few possible ideas about what he is going to wear and how he will look. I wanted to first come up with a range of quick sketches first before finalising my character so that I could take all of the best aspects from each previous character I looked at and ensure that it is the best I can make it. I wanted to create 6 different designs, which are shown below, so that I had enough scope to be able to narrow down my ideas further to generate that final concept art.

This first design is based on a laboratory hazard suit as it in an all in one suit but then has gloves as well. This particular suit is most commonly used when handling chemicals which I though I could adapt into my film quite well as he is a scientist and inventor who would experiment quick a lot.But when looking at it closer I don't think it would work and it doesn't have the mad scientist feel that I really wanted to go for.

This next idea is also quite interesting. I went for a slightly bigger build on this one and it is clear from looking at my research where it is inspired from. The things coming off his head could have attached to other things and then this could provide some power. Again I do like this design but I'm not keen on having things coming out of his head.

The next idea I really don't like, I wanted to get inspiration from Isaac Newton with the hair, which I'm not keen on at all but then wanted to move away from the traditional scientist look with the lab coat and give him a sweater instead. But as I said I'm just really not feeling it as an idea. 

The next idea was a shot in the dark and I'm not sure whether I like or dislike it as it looks quite unusual. I like the idea of the done up lab coat instead of having it wide open as a different change, but I think in filming for practicability it might not have enough movement to it and I'm not so keen on the ginger look.

This next one is definitely my favourite. I think it has that perfect nutty professor look to it and could definitely work well in my film as it is a practical look that I think I could recreate. I think I would change the shirt colour slightly and maybe make the lab coat more stained so that it looks used and worn.

This next one is a little bit different as well to my other designs as the character looks a lot younger than the other and I don't like it and I really don't like the scruffy look to him either, even though he's a scientist.

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