Sunday 29 December 2013

PPP2 Research: YouTube

One main endorsement for the gaming industry is YouTube due to its amazing success in the last few years. The gaming industry can use this for anything nowadays as nearly everyone that has access to the internet will visit YouTube on a daily basis; even if it is just to watch cat videos.

Recently on YouTube a lot of trailers for up and coming games can be found, reviews and also walk throughs of video games are played. This opens up so many possibilities for the gaming industry as I for one will post videos of the progress on my own games which I'm creating. Others, like myself again, will use this website for showing off videos from gaming festivals and will show the meetings with famous gamers; for me this is like getting a free insider without actually having to go. Video walkthroughs have also become massive recently down to top contenders like Tobuscus and PewDiePie. Watching these is all about finding out a little bit about the game while someone will usually make a fool out of themselves at the same time.

But for me one of the top gaming YouTuber's isn't probably as well known. He is utterly brilliant and witty and will give you all the right information about a game without giving away any plot spoilers. NerdCubed is a British gamer who also looks at a wide variety of games too, not just the AAA titles that everybody raves about, but is absolutely hilarious at the same time. He's also the reason for my recent obsession with Indie game. The way that he will describe them and only give away the beginning makes you have to go in for more and get it yourself just to experience the true gaming feeling.

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