Sunday 29 December 2013

Responsive Research: The Social Network by Meg Sugden


'The Social Network' by Meg Sugden
The Social Network tells the story of how the company Facebook was founded and the struggle that everyone in the process had to deal with, but not Mark Zuckerberg as all the problems seem to be caused by him personally. As the founder of Facebook we see what he actually had to go through with to get to where he is today in terms of the value of the company and also the dramatic mistakes that he made in the process.

The film begins with Zuckerberg on a date with his girlfriend, and things seem to be a little tense and Erica can barely get a word in edgeways due to Mark's erratic speaking. The way he takes to her is in a very arrogant manner and he doesn't seem to care about her in any way as all he care's about is what he's doing at college and how he has lots of opinions on everything. Minutes later and he is girlfriend-less and angrily he runs home and goes to blog about how much he hates her and begins to publicise how wrong she is as a woman. This then gives him an idea to get all the pictures of girls from the college and make a rating website so that everyone at the college can rate everyone and they can find out how's hottest. This then results in the Harvard network crashing and him getting in trouble for being behind it, but this only makes him more well known throughout the college and soon enough he is approaches by twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and there friend Divya Narendra.

The offer Zuckerberg the chance to work with them on building a website which takes the idea of using the Harvard domain name to create a website that allows students at the college to talk to each other and add them as friends, making it an exclusive club. Zuckerberg instantly agrees but then instantly goes off and creates a slightly different idea and wants to built it with his best friend Eduardo Saverin, a student studying business. He offers him a 70, 30 spilt on the profits and Saverin agrees and give him money to get the company started. Progress quickly begins on the website and soon enough it is ready to be sent live and sent to the college exclusively. It's an instant hit and quickly gets a hundred members.

During the time of development Zuckerberg was meant to be helping the twins and there friend with there own website, which they could not create without his help as he was creating the code for it. Every time they emailed he made some excuse and it wasn't till the 16th email in 6 weeks that he said the idea wasn't good anymore and backed out, only to continue developing his new website 'The Face Book'.

Things kept proceeding normally and he added new features to the website nearly every day, making improvements and adjustments to make it better, before eventually adding in the relationship status after having a conversation with his ex in a bar. He realises this is what people want, to know everything about others without having to have proper conversations.

Things then appear to get even better for the company as Sean Parker, founder of Napster, comes into the scene and stirs things around with his bolshy attitude and party lifestyle. Zuckerberg realises he needs to go bigger with the company so gladly takes anything Parker says on board but at the cost of other people that he has left behind, but maybe for the better good as the company expands and grows to many other colleges in America and eventually to Cambridge and Oxford in England and the name changes to just Facebook.

As things seem to be looking up and the company moves to California, Saverin begins to feel left out by the company and doesn't like the idea of it being away from him in California. Eventually he becomes to angry and freezes payments into the company and gets angry with Mark and also his girlfriend. At the same time this is happening the Winklevoss twins and Divya Narendra are beginning to generate a court case against Zuckerberg for stealing there idea and suing him for it. This doesn't not go too well and at the same time Saverin begins his court case to sue Zuckerberg at the same time when he makes the mistake of taking him off the co-founder list and taking his percentage down to 0.03, making him barely part of it.

We see the end of the film as a sort of realism that Mark Zuckerberg should have been nicer to the people around him and used there advice in the production more as he then would not have to have given so much money away in the end in claims. It is a realisation story that kind of has an unusual ending as it makes him a bad person as he was rude to a lot of people along the way, but would he have been as successful if he hadn't? I guess that's a price you have to pay to own a company now worth over 60 billion pounds.

'Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss received a settlement of 65 million dollars and signed a non-disclosure agreement. Eduardo Saverin received an unknown settlement. His name has been restored to the Facebook masthead as co-founder.'

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