Wednesday 18 December 2013

VFX Module: Production

Today I was in the studio theater at University shooting my film which in the end didn't take long to complete. After a long start in which camera batteries were charging and equipment was being set the filming process was starting. After a rocky beginning and a two hour wait we finally began to film and after here it went very smoothly. The filming only took about an hour to do and we filmed everything against green screen as I have a completely CG background. Using this was fairly easy and the only trouble came when having to measure every shot so that it could be lined up against the background in post. During this time I also filmed an alternate ending so that if I was not able to mode and rig a Velociraptor I would have a different piece of footage to use.

What I decided to film instead where two different way for it to finish, just in case. The first being him stood on by a dinosaur, probably a T-Rex and the second the foot missing him, the man standing up saying 'phew that was close,' only to be knocked over by the dinosaurs tail. Both alternate ending I feel could have the same humourous impact as the actual one, which I am happy about jus in case I do need to change my idea later on. Along with the final film and the alternate ending I also filmed an extra scene at the beginning which could either add in after the flashback scene or replace it. The scene would work well in the film as it follows the same style and created continuity in the film as well and not just having a random scene in there for the sake of it.

Altogether the filming day went well and ran smoothly without any problems. The entire crew that I had on board were all excellent and worked so efficiently to help get filming done as soon as possible, which was a massive help as I wouldn't have been able to complete it without them.

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