Thursday 9 January 2014

Final Script by Callum Brown

Final Script by Callum Brown
Below is the final script that was edited from the original to include more necessary content and also to include relevant content. At this stage we also took out some elements to ensure that all of the scenes that we wanted to include where film-able in the time frame that we had left, ensuring that we were safe at all time, especially when looking at such a tough subject.

X walks into his old room, its stone grey, there’s not much about, pan around to the wall of mirrors, he catches a glimpse of himself, he walks to his reflection. His face tells a tale, he blinks slowly and clenches his teeth, we see the brief pain. Pan down and see scars on the body he runs his fingers down them and closes his eyes.

Opening credits, pan over old photos of two young boys growing up together, rip one out and let the paper fall into darkness.

We track him in the dark, walking into town, his friends greet him outside, smoking, he hesitates before taking the cigarette and joins them. He breathes it out.

Opening fade, We see him on a train staring at the sky as it passes by, he looks at it unsure, confused almost, we see a two shot, he looks around, the train is empty, he’s shaking and holds his own hand. Before taking out his journal, as he flicks through the pages he gets a paper cut, he looks at it an wipes the blood away, he’s stopped shaking. He opens the cut and we see more blood pore out, and run down his finger.

We see him in a park, there are a few people smoking, the girl next to him is wearing his coat, he’s smoking a joint, they share a weed kiss. The screen losses focus a few times.

Cut to him in a doctor’s waiting room, two shot, his head down, we see a woman and child looking at him over his shoulder, he turns his head and the woman kisses her child and looks away.  He looks confused and turns back looking at the prescription in his hand, called up and we see the doctor put Citalopram on the counter, his breathing is shaky, upset, he cracks a false smile and takes it.

Two shot, he does the dishes but stops to hold himself up over the sink, we see his face looking down, and he lightly clenches his teeth, his breathing shaky, he closes his eyes.

Cut to house party, he wanders through, he is joined by friends, he downs shots and watches as people dance, a woman smiles at him, she walks to him, pulling his arm asking him to dance, he stays put, refuses politely, she looks back to him as she goes to dance, he nods. Cut back to him in his bathroom, clenching a Stanley knife. . Cut back to the party, He half walks down a corridor and leans on it, she lightly pushes him so his back is against it, her hand on his chest, he masks the pain, pulling her hand away and distracting her with a kiss, she unbuttons his shirt and he takes hand, stopping her, Cut back to him in his room, he presses the knife against his skin. He closes his eyes. Cut back to the party, she smiles and unbuttons his shirt, seeing his wounds, she looks up at him confused, he looks embarrassed she touches his face, Cut back to him with blood on his arms, tears on his cheeks. Cut back to the party, he leaves her standing alone, taking a bottle of vodka with him.

Cut back, we see him alone in the bathroom, knife pressed to his skin, waiting, deep, calm breathes, he pulls away, the flesh is white before the blood fills the gap and runs down his skin, Cut away as we see him walking back alone, in the rain drinking, barely walking he stumbles down, lying on the ground we see him breathing, his eyes flicker and close. Cut back, he has a shaky fast exhale and repeats the action, he kisses a girl in a nightclub, holding her shoulder like its protection. Cut back, he cuts again until his torso is covered, he places the knife on his bicep and pulls downwards slowly, he tenses his arm and screams. Cut away to him outside a pub, someone grabs his shoulder, he pushes it away and they punch him, and again in the gut, and kick him whist he’s down. We start up again at him in in the bathroom, soaked in blood, knife in hand, his wrists are bleeding, his eyes wide in shock.

We see him standing with people in college, he looks worse than usual, paler, darker eyes, cuts on his neck, he covers them with a scarf as he joins a circle of people talking, there’s a girl opposite looking at him, she smiles, shy, burying herself behind layers of clothes, he smiles back.  She turns and signs a piece of paper before leaving, he signs the paper and follows her, pushing past people and trying to keep track of her, he speeds up and exits the building looking around for her but he cant see her. We see him enter a train station, following him through as he gets to the platform, he stands by the edge, his feet tipping back and forth, looking down at the tracks, and where they lead in the distance.

Cut back to him in his room, looking at his scars, he looks up teary, he lightly closes his eyes and the woman he saw in the street enters, she puts her arm round him and kisses him on the cheek, their head rub together. Fade to black.

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