Thursday 9 January 2014

VFX Post Production: Changes

Due to me running out of a lot of time after the Christmas holidays I had to change my idea slightly. Firstly I had to change the dinosaur that I was using; I knew that I was never going to have time to model and rig a Velociraptor to attack the man so I decided to change it to the T-rex. Even though this meant that it was very stereotypical for a dinosaur film but it was my only option in the end as there was already a pre-set for this on Mudbox which I could model on, and I wouldn't have to rig it either as it would just come down onto the man straight from above and then cut away. It was a bit of a disappointment to not be able to rig my own model but with the time constraints for the module and my own laziness over the Christmas period it meant I had to rethink my project a lot.

What I propose the new storyline be is that the beginning will stay the same, the man is in the lab and is building the time machine but then when he gets into the jungle, after hearing the thudding, he gets stepped on by a t-rex. This is were the film will cut to the credits. It is a much more reasonable amount of work and will also fit into the one minute time line better as then I have more time to make areas longer instead of trying to cut them down.

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