Sunday, 3 May 2015

Personal and Professional Practice 3: 'Research' Studio Brief - The Chinese Room

The next company that I wanted to look at was The Chinese Room as over the last few years I have started to see a lot of development in their games and I really like the experimentation that do on first person games. They have a very unique approach to the classic structure of a game and they tend to produce short 1 hour games but of quality detail rather than something that is a few hours long and looses it quality and charm.
The company hasn't made too much in terms of games as the development for each one they produce is a long time. The first time that I had actually heard of them was last year with there newest game Dear Esther. This is by far one of the most interesting games that I have ever played and you get taken on this whirlwind of a ride through the calm coastline of an uninhabited Hebridean island, listening to a series of voiced-over letter fragments to a woman named Esther. The narration only appears every now and again over the soft footstep of the character walking
Its now safe to say that the most current game that they are working on, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is going to be just as good. I believe that they have made the story slightly longer than Dear Esther but there is a whole town to walk across instead of a planned out route in the highlands. Its seems like its going to be a brilliant game and if the same amount of detail and care goes into making this game as it did Dear Esther, I believe that its going to a rich and interesting story and well worth the play.

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