Thursday 2 January 2014

Deconstructing Research by Stuart Brown

Deconstructing Research by Stuart Brown
After completing our research we have decided that the best films that capture the emotion, atmosphere, or mentality that will help in our production are Shame, Deadwood, The Wreastler, Trainspotting, 12 years a slave and 127 hours. We will consider these as the highlighted few during the future processes and the kind of film we aspire to make.

Shame as it captures the addiction and desperation in the character, and also the eye opening scenes with Sissy's self harming. Shame is arguably the most helpful film to consider during our storyboarding process. Deadwood will help purely for the ability to translate journals into a script for film, knowing what to keep and what isn't useful to film, but not too much more. The Wrestler helps in the way that the dialogue written also came from personal experience, and keeping in mind the honesty and therefore integrity with showing when a character is weak despite hie best efforts. This is similar for trainspotting, though I think The Wrestler is is a more helpful piece of research. 12 years a Slave I think was useful for is relentless confidence to show uncomfortable scenes often of brutality and pain and remind us that this, even when personal and difficult to film, prove very effective pieces. 127 hours shows a similar personal struggle in his mentality. In severe pain, feeling like your trapped and no one can help you, the easy choice is to give up. But with dedication and mindset, remembering the people you love and the people who love you can give the extra push needed to escape.

With research wrapped, and obviously the Journals being the most important pieces, I feel we are ready to move onto the next stage of production

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