Tuesday 14 January 2014

Responsive Audio Consideration by Meg Sugden and Stuart Brown

Bruce Springsteen 'The Wrestler'
The first song that we wanted to look at was Bruce Springsteen's song 'The Wrestler', it is a beautiful song that explains the relationship between Springsteen and the lead actor Mickey Rourke in the film. It is an interesting song that relates well to the events that take place in the film like when the lyrics state 'If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me', it relates to the fact Rourke's character has a heart condition that means he's forced to quit wrestling, so what's the point in a wrestler that can't wrestle? Another line of lyrics 'My only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I display' shows that the only place he wants to be is in the ring as it's the only place that understands him truly and even though he's been physically hurt, during the fight he is not been emotionally hurt like he does when he's outside the ring.

This relates to the subject that we are going to look at well as many of the lyrics seem to tell the story of our character also. 'Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before, Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor, Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?' These lyrics could be interpreted as a character (like ours) who was once very happy but whenever looks for comfort seems to loose more. But this character is still there for his friends and although feels detached from reality still feel the need to make his friends happy and look after then when they are sad, even though his current situation is far worse.

These next lyrics also strongly remind me of that characters mental state during his depression, 'These things that have comforted me, I drive away, This place that is my home I cannot stay, My only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I display.' In this way the lyrics show that even though he didn't see his brother as much the fact that he is self harming because of it leads him to believe that its driving him away further and this seems to be a vicious circle. It also creates a guilt for doing this in a family home and he doesn't want to be caught or have them see him in this state, which increases his need to move out and be out of the house more. This also shows that he believes his future and constant coping mechanism is the escaping self harming, just rather than broken bones and bruises its blood and scars. But it could also be interpreted mentally. By this I mean that his way of thinking, though it's self hating seems to be something that cannot change and if it continues like this, though he may be down at least his friends and family remain happy, as long as they don't know his own suffering.

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