Wednesday 15 January 2014

Responsive Audio Consideration by Meg Sugden and Stuart Brown

The Fray 'Uncertainty'
Uncertainly by The Fray strikes me as clearly being about depression, whether this is about self harm, drug abuse, escapism in any way or just a notion of being in a very dark mental state, the lyrics seem to reflect the uncertainty of ever getting out of that dark place.

'Uncertainty is killing me
And I'm certainly not asleep
Maybe I've gone far too deep
Maybe I'm just far too weak
And that's the last place

I want to be the last place'

The beginning of this verse starts with the idea of there being no promise of escaping this mental state and though the subject is not asleep it seems they rather would be, much like our character. 'Going far too deep,' I feel reflects there plunge into depression and the extent of their mental and physical wounds, and being 'just far too weak,' could show that the character is not emotionally strong enough to carry on, and even if they were can't be bothered to try because there life has almost become not worth living. The last two lines reflect that this lowest point of complementing suicide and not having the strength to overcome the idea makes the subject disappointed in themselves, as this low point of even thinking about it reminds them of what there life used to be and this point seems lower than death.

'And there is so much we don't know
So we love and we hope that it holds'

This short chorus seems to display the fact that nobody knows how there life will pan out, especially not this person, and the fact that people love in hope that it lasts seems a pain not worth going through. So the notion of suicide is supported by the fact that even the best things in life are sometimes not worth them being taken away.

'Thousands were lost, maybe more
The question remains, what is this for?
Maybe it came unexpected
Maybe it came unprotected
And that's the last place
I want to be the last place.'

The first two lines show to us that the notion of self harm and suicide loses so many lives and seems to not be something dealt with enough. Many people don't understand why people do it, and it's often hard to describe to someone who doesn't understand and many people feel as if it's their life so it's their right. This epidemic as well as having an effect on the world, has largely overtaken our characters life. He wasn't prepared for this, as many people and families aren't, and by 'unprotected' I think these lyrics tell that there isn't enough ways for suffers to get help, and often people of all generations are unaware of how to deal with this, whether its happening to them or someone close.

'And there is so much we don't know
So we love and we hope that it holds
Either we say or we show
So I'm going to fight for my own.'

The second half of this shows the sufferers decisions for escape, either tell someone or show someone, if nobody knows there suffering, there unlikely to receive help. The last line shows that this person, much like our own, chose not to say and rather attempt to fight through this alone.

'I'm holding on until the last
I'm holding on until there's nothing left
I'm holding on until the last
I'm holding on until there's nothing left.'

'I'm holding on until the last' we feel is made more touching as the last lyric 'breath' cannot be said as they may not have the strength to admit their seemingly unavoidable fate. Or it could be interpreted that holding onto the last could mean he's not sure what the last thing he does will be, but seems certain that something will have such an effect that suicide will be immediate. The second line seems to tell that although this character is striving to survive, he's walking a downhill easy walk to darkness, and the walk up seems an impossible steepness. So though he will continue his life, scaring his body, eventually there is no way up and he will be no more.

We believe this song tells a story of someone fighting a battle alone, resulting in failure; suicide, and that sufferers over this should find no shame in seeking help as a journey would be easier and would be able to find peaceful salvation in this life and not just the next.

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