Wednesday 15 January 2014

Responsive Audio Consideration by Meg Sugden and Stuart Brown

Harry Escott 'Unravelling'
This piece has no dialog and this is for the better. The soft, long tones in the music that slowly build up throughout the duration of the song give an attention filled, yet relaxing and very emotional atmosphere. The song somehow allows audience to relate to the emotions of the character on screen and the slow tapping beat feels like the characters heart beat. This piece in our opinion is the strongest and most suitable for our needs and is in all honesty some of the most touching and atmospheric music we had ever heard.

We feel that this is perfect for our needs but will look into a first hand resource for an original score using this as inspiration mainly for our animatic to get a good feeling for the mood of the composition. As we feel sound has always been a weakness in our past projects and essentially we have used copyrighted material such as sound from motion pictures, games and free online sources, we feel getting it right would be an advancement in our skills, organisation and networking.

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